In The Thick Of It

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The Birth of My Blog


The blog is called In the Thick of It.

Its defined as L.I.F.E.


I created the blog to help me I chronicle L.I.F.E. I will post about learning new things, people/events that inspire me, fitness fun & fitness adventures, as well as me evolving as a human, a mom, a daughter and a friend.



It's vital to my spirit to always be learning something new. Once I learn something I am off to thrill seek and learn something else. Learning to build this very blog has been a fabulous way to start 2018!


Living an inspiring life is a mantra for me since recovering from the end of my 20-year marriage. I look for inspiration in the ups and downs of life. I'm obsessed with quotes and memes. Sometimes seeing a quote puts the drama in perspective and turns my mood around. We are not here forever. I want to take full advantage of what life has to offer.


Fitness has made my life full and fun, best part being it allows me to play outside as an adult!   I strive to keep it moving to make sure I avoid diabetes, heart disease and any other major health issues. I'm a confident thick girl just looking to be the best possible version of me.  


Constantly evolving and developing are important to me. Whenever I learn something new I like to apply it to my life. Now that my son is a junior in high school and heading to college, my day to day mothering will look very different over the next few years. My title was once “wife” but when my marriage dissolved in 2015, I had to cope and evolve into my own identity. I was raised by a strong and proud single mom.  Now I must flex in and out as caretaker for my mom as she gets older—-just as I saw her do for her parents.


Follow me as I chronicle L.I.F.E.