May 2019 | Who is Making Moves ?
I am excited to feature Ben and Charlene Hess this month. The focus of Hess Un-Academy is helping parents raise successful children who grow to be contributing members of society. The Hess Family has a strong homeschooling focus but you don’t have to be a homeschooler to benefit from our posts – their content benefits everybody.
Charlene loves being Mommy to these wild and crazy kids. Their chaos makes her happy. Spending time her family is her favorite thing in the world. When not spending time with her family, Charlene enjoy baking sweet treats and eating buttery popcorn.
Ben is daddy! Ben is an entrepreneur at heart. He spends his time learning new skills to better himself and better his family. Ben is smart and creative and the hardest worker I know – but boy does he know how to have fun!
Charlene and Ben
Sharon: How did you decide on your blog name?
Benjamin and Charlene Hess: We decided on Hess Un-Academy because we believe learning is a life-long journey and learning can and should be done outside of a classroom environment.
Sharon: How do you generate new ideas or goals?
Benjamin and Charlene Hess: We pull ideas from our life experiences and from books we read. As a couple, we are always striving to learn and grow, so we are always reading good success principle books. We wanted our children to learn the same things we were learning, so we wrote a series of children's books with which to teach them these life success principles. Whenever a child presents with a new set of issues we want to address, we write a book based on that a success principle tied to that issue.
Sharon: How long do you stick with an idea or product before giving up?
Benjamin and Charlene Hess: That depends on the project! If its an idea or a project that just sounds like fun, we'll work on it until it's no longer fun. But if it's an idea or a project that we feel is truly inspired, then we will focus on that project with all our strength until we feel it has been completed and our goals accomplished.
Sharon: How has blogging affected your life and/or family life?
Benjamin and Charlene Hess: Our kids are very involved in our blog. They love that the books we write feature them as characters. And they love working on their individual projects and then coming to us for pictures so we can feature those on the blog as well.
Sharon: What is your greatest fear and how do you manage fear?
Benjamin and Charlene Hess: Our greatest fear is that we will pour our hearts and souls into these books and years will go by and we will not have helped anybody. But if we can change the life of even one child or one family, then we will consider ourselves successful.
We manage fear by pushing through it and doing what's right anyway. Fear is a powerful thing - unless you refuse to give that fear any power and push through anyway. Nobody ever accomplished anything great by giving in to fear.